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How to Write a Remote Job Cover Letter and best Samples

However, there are some common mistakes that can be avoided to make sure your cover letter stands out. Some job seekers simply regurgitate their resume in their cover letter, but that’s wasting a golden opportunity to truly convince an employer of why you’d be a great remote employee. So use this opportunity to show all the relevant remote skills you have that make you an ideal candidate for the job, and the position could be as good as yours. The specifics of your cover letter will be unique to you, as will how you highlight your remote work experience. Here’s a sample cover letter for a remote job to help get you started.

  • Introduce yourself by briefly explaining why you’re applying to the position.
  • The cover letter should also demonstrate the applicant’s commitment to accuracy, quality, and efficiency in their work.
  • But, this becomes even more important if you need to show that you’re a no-brainer fit—even when your past roles aren’t quite as traditional.
  • Please accept this letter and the attached resume as my interest in this position.
  • In my previous role, I was responsible for educational support and training of coding and documentation practices for all of coding and clinical staff.

Specifically, the ones that are listed as being
required separately, do not forget to put them in. Give a brief on
these skills by offering concrete examples of how you are using or
have used them with any success story(if any). So, use the cover letter to explain how you use the skills in your work to help the employer envision you in the role. However, if you’ve never had a remote job before, you may be wondering how to showcase your experience.

Questions for the second interview (with sample answer)

Keep your cover letter short and simple, and use clear and concise language. Avoid repeating what is already in your resume, but rather expand on the most relevant and impressive aspects of your background and achievements. I am very excited to apply for the position of Medical Coder at Family Health Hospital. Cover Letters Star is the perfect tool to create cover letters that stand out and make an impression. Our library of cover letter templates can help you craft the perfect message to land your dream job. With the Get Cover Letter, writing your job application document will be simple, but still effective to get an interview.

cover letter for remote certified coder position

All of this—and more—counts as remote work experience, even if you worked in an office setting. It demonstrates that you’ve got relevant remote work experience, so make sure to shine a spotlight on it in your remote job cover letter. The best cover letter for remote work contains skills and personal qualities that are valuable to your profession and type of employment. If you’ve been a remote worker for years, highlight that and how you succeeded at it. If you’re just starting on the remote working business, highlight how you were able to handle projects when you were not in the office in the past. When writing remote cover letters, candidates often fail to notice or keep in mind that this isn’t a traditional on-site job.


Even before the pandemic ushered remote work into the spotlight, you likely had more remote work experience than you realize. And highlighting this cover letter for remote position remote-relevant experience is what can help you land interviews. It’s something you can and should do on your resume, but don’t stop there.

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